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                ABOUT US

                Guangdong Weimi Measurement Technology Co., Ltd., a R & D and manufacturer of precision image measuring instrument and a national high-tech enterprise, has obtained a number of technical patent certificates (including a number of utility model patent certificates and several sets of computer software copyright registration certificates). Our company is a manufacturer of image measuring instruments with completely independent intellectual property rights. It is also one of the powerful manufacturers in China's image instrument industry. The factory is headquartered in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Its service network radiates South China, East China, North China, northwest and other regions of China, as well as many countries in Asia and Europe. It has maintained good cooperative relations with many well-known enterprises and institutions.


                Main products of the company:

                Two dimensional image measuring instrument, optical image measuring instrument, automatic image measuring instrument, semi-automatic image measuring instrument, CNC image measuring instrument, OMM image measuring instrument, one button fast measuring instrument, multi lens measuring instrument, gantry large stroke two-dimensional image measuring instrument, linewidth measuring instrument, tool measuring instrument, CCD positioning system, laser flatness measuring instrument, automatic full inspection machine, laser detector, metallographic microscope, non-standard customized measuring equipment, etc.


                Our technical team is composed of technicians who deeply study China's image industry. The company's hardware design, production and software R & D team cooperate closely and complement each other; Software constantly develops the sleeping potential that hardware does not understand in the same industry, and the potential that hardware is developed promotes the continuous upgrading and updating of software to meet the various needs of customers.


                "Heaven rewards diligence and virtue carries things" -- is our business belief and the root of our concept of sincere gratitude and return to the majority of users.

                We work with you to create excellence; We accompany you and share the harvest!

                Development history of the company:

                2005 - the founder of the company deeply involved in the optical imager industry and laid a good foundation for the development of the company's main products;

                2010 - in order to optimize product quality and improve product technology, the company moved to Dongguan City, Guangdong Province and registered our affiliated enterprises.

                2011 - developed a number of high-end high-quality imagers and automatic imagers. The instrument light source is intelligently programmed, and the instrument lens is intelligently and automatically doubled. The main accessories are made of high-quality imported materials. Through vigorous innovation, the product quality of the company has been greatly improved, the hardware technology has been more optimized, and the performance of the company has increased significantly.

                2012 - the enterprise obtained several sets of technical certificates, and the fully automatic zoom lens is widely used in our products, greatly improving the measurement efficiency of users.

                2013 - the enterprise won the title of high-tech enterprise and provided high-quality after-sales service to customers in various industries.

                2014 - the company's performance is several times higher than that in the early stage of entrepreneurship. Its products are widely used in die cutting, mobile phones and accessories, PCB, film, electronic carrier belt, rubber, machining, auto and motorcycle parts, precision hardware, bearings, motors, cutting tools, electronic components and other industries, scientific research institutes and measurement institutions; At the same time, it also serves Aerospace military enterprises.

                2015 - continue to optimize the product structure and vigorously strengthen the internal standardized management of the company. Expand the overseas market and open up the situation of high-end instruments in the Southeast Asian market.

                2016 - it was recognized as a national high-tech enterprise again and won several sets of invention patents. The performance has been steadily improved. The company's products are optimized in line shape, and has successively developed new products such as tool measuring instrument, linewidth measuring instrument and CCD positioning system.

                2017 - developed new products such as one touch rapid measuring instrument.

                2018 - developed automatic full inspection machines and optical full inspection machines such as die cutting full inspection machine and glass full inspection machine.

                2019 - develop new laser measuring instruments such as laser full inspection machine and laser thickness gauge.



                The fourth industrial revolution led by "intelligent manufacturing" has arrived. Weimi Measurement is proud to participate in the historical process of industrial reform, and is confident to witness with your partners that China will become an industrial power. In the next ten, twenty and thirty years... Weimi Measurement will continue to carry forward and adhere to the working belief of "God rewards diligence and virtue carries things", take "allowing users to easily use stable optical image measurement automation equipment" as the mission, devote all efforts to promote the development of precision optical measurement instruments in China, and make "micron Weimi" a leader in the optical image measurement instrument industry.

                COMPANY MESSAGE

                —— Tiandaochouqin, Houdezaiwu

                Reform and opening up For decades, we China has gradually from the "China imitation" into "Made in China" power.

                This is a long and difficult process, each generation of industrious and intelligent Chinese people are devoted to the life of the energy and talent,
                So that China gradually out of the low generation of foundry, for the development of high-tech industry has laid a good foundation.

                To ensure that "Made in China" is no longer a cheap sign, we have created the optical image measurement industry brand "Mic weimi".
                This brand for the majority of industry research and development, processing, production of precision quality, providing a green protective barrier.

                "Tiandaochouqin, Houdezaiwu", is our founder's business faith, but also our gratitude and return to the majority of users of the concept of the root causes.

                We accompany you, create excellence; we share with you, harvest!

                Copyright ©  2017  WEIMI  All rights reserved  粤ICP备10072015号-3