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                ABOUT US


                Here you will work with colleagues to play your talent and ability, your ability to work and the spirit of innovation will be very useful. If you perform well, you will be given the opportunity to become a great talent.I wish you and our common development, create a bright and beautiful micron!

                Recruitment Tel:0769-38801599            E-mail:weimi@susanphelan.com

                Number Recruits
                Working Add
                Account Manager
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                Job Requirements:

                1.Responsible for the formation of departmental team to assist the company to recruit staff;

                2.According to the company's car loan business development strategy and planning, to lead the business team for market development, business development;

                3.According to the company to develop business processes and assessment objectives, to complete the various stages of performance indicators;

                4.Responsible for the management of car loan business team and with the company's human resources department to complete the team members of the performance appraisal;

                5.With the company's wind control departments do a good job of car loan business before the loan, the loan after the risk control work.

                6.To keep abreast of market information.

                Front Desk
                To View

                Job Requirements:

                1.Responsible for the formation of departmental team to assist the company to recruit staff;

                2.According to the company's car loan business development strategy and planning, to lead the business team for market development, business development;

                3.According to the company to develop business processes and assessment objectives, to complete the various stages of performance indicators;

                4.Responsible for the management of car loan business team and with the company's human resources department to complete the team members of the performance appraisal;

                5.With the company's wind control departments do a good job of car loan business before the loan, the loan after the risk control work.

                6.To keep abreast of market information.

                Administrative Clerk
                To View

                Job Requirements:

                1.Responsible for the formation of departmental team to assist the company to recruit staff;

                2.According to the company's car loan business development strategy and planning, to lead the business team for market development, business development;

                3.According to the company to develop business processes and assessment objectives, to complete the various stages of performance indicators;

                4.Responsible for the management of car loan business team and with the company's human resources department to complete the team members of the performance appraisal;

                5.With the company's wind control departments do a good job of car loan business before the loan, the loan after the risk control work.

                6.To keep abreast of market information.

                Copyright ©  2017  WEIMI  All rights reserved  粤ICP备10072015号-3