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                WEIMI 321PM (metallographic) metallographic microscope

                The powerful measurement software developed by the company is adopted

                It has many observation functions, such as light and dark field, differential interference, polarization and so on

                Instrument Features

                Preferred brand of metallographic microscope - WEIMI measurement. 321PM (metallographic) metallographic microscope is a high-tech product developed and produced by micron measurement. It perfectly combines optical microscope technology, photoelectric conversion technology and computer image processing technology. It has the advantages of high precision and high stability. It has a variety of observation functions such as light and dark field, differential interference and polarization, and can realize the precise measurement of various complex surface workpieces.

                Movable platform metallographic microscope.png

                Quality characteristics of WEIMI 321PM (metallographic) metallographic microscope:

                1. The whole machine adopts high-quality aluminum alloy, which is not easy to deform, high precision and high stability;

                2. Brand new streamlined design, neat, intuitive and generous appearance;

                3. The adjustable LED cold light source is adopted for the bottom light and surface light, which can realize the precise measurement of various complex surface workpieces; Using LED cold light source can avoid the disadvantages of thermal expansion and cold contraction caused by general thermal light source and avoid the secondary deformation of workpiece;

                4. Measurement software: using the powerful measurement software developed by our company, we can easily and quickly measure various workpieces accurately and provide users with perfect measurement solutions;

                5. PM metallographic microscope has high-power observation ability, with various observation functions such as bright and dark field, differential interference and polarization. It can be widely used in the detection of semiconductor, PCB, LCD, mobile phone industry chain, optical communication, basic electronics, mold hardware, medical devices, automobile industry, measurement industry and other fields.

                Model Parameters

                Model:321PM (metallography)

                Observation head:30 ° tilt, positive image, infinitely hinged tee observation tube, pupil distance adjustment: 50-76mm, two-stage splitting ratio 100 / 0 or 0 / 100

                eyepiece:High eye point large field flat field eyepiece pl10x / 22mm, with micrometer

                converter:Internal positioning 5-hole converter

                DIC assembly:Differential interference assembly

                Platform:Fast moving manual measuring platform (stroke 300 * 200mm)

                Lighting:Bright field reflective illuminator, with bright field lighting switching device; with color filter slot and polarizing device slot, with 5W LED light source, adjustable brightness (including bracket adapter) .Auxiliary focusing module with two levels of focusing reticle

                PC:Dell computer OptiPlex 3050mt operating system, W7 processor chip 15-7500, 3.40GHz, memory 8g, hard disk 1TB, 23 inch Dell display HDMI HD 1920 * 1080

                Focus Mode:Manual coarse fine adjustment, handwheel adjustment, precision 0.001mm, focusing distance 175mm

                Polarized light:Polarizer insert plate, 360 ° rotary polarizer insert plate

                Camera:6.3 million pixels; 3072 (H) * 2048 (V); frame rate: 30fps; interface: USB3.0; image sensor: CMOS (color)

                Copyright ©  2017  WEIMI  All rights reserved  粤ICP备10072015号-3