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                Weimi QS Optical image measuring instrument

                Precision marble base, column, to ensure a very high stability and rigidity.

                Taiwan high-precision linear guide and grinding grade ball screw.

                Instrument Features

                ■ Precision marble base, column, to ensure a very high stability and rigidity

                ■ Taiwan high-precision linear guide and grinding grade ball screw

                ■ Delta full closed loop servo motor, the speed can be adjusted

                ■ Germany imported high-precision high-precision non-contact grating, resolution 0.0005mm

                ■ WeimiMT automatic zoom lens, change the magnification does not need to take the scale, save the correction time, to avoid human error

                ■ Optional British Renishaw contact probe

                ■ Optional precision laser / line laser

                ■ Applies to: PCR, LCD, TET, mobile phone box full size and other industries

                Model Parameters


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